An Explanation of Life Have you
ever wondered what life is really all about? About some of the strange things you’ve seen
or heard of? Some
of the amazing people you’ve met? Are you more than just a physical body that
eventually dies? Is there an eternal spirit within
us? What happens when we die? I’ve
wondered about all these things, too. Then I did
something about it. I read very widely and as a
scientist, I’ve analyzed what I read and put it
all together. You won’t find the information below anyplace
else in readable format. This page gives answers
to some of the big questions that curious and thoughtful
people may have. |
Matter and Energy We are
material creatures living in a material universe. We
live on a material world. We think of our lives as
being entirely material. We have energy in our world
too, light and heat being the principal energies
that impact us. Let’s look at matter. There are
many different densities
of matter, from a black hole (super-dense matter) to
a gas like hydrogen (very light matter). You may have read that
all matter is really energy. This isn’t new or
radical. Every physicist would tell you that is
true. Matter is very low wavelength energy. You’ve
probably heard of the electromagnetic spectrum. It
includes all the different matters and energies, everything from
densest matter to heat, light, gamma rays and other
energies. Here’s
a common representation of the electromagnetic
Spirit Energy in the Electromagnetic Spectrum Every
human being has an eternal spirit. This is not
controversial or outlandish. Advanced societies have
known this for centuries. Most religions believe it,
too. Our spirits are made of energy, but no
representation of our electromagnetic spectrum
includes spirit energy. This should not be a
surprise. After all, spirit energy is not something
we can measure. Even today in our high-technology
world it’s not possible to scientifically measure
spirit energy. The existance of spirit energy can’t be proved in the way our
simple minds want it to be.
Spirit energy is a higher wavelength than anything
in our electromagnetic spectrum.
Think of spirit energy as a spectrum of energies
(many wavelengths). This spirit energy is all around us but
our eyes can rarely see it. A ghost would
be a good example of spirit energy that a few people
can see. I drew my
own electromagnetic spectrum below to include spirit
one day we will be able to measure spirit energy.
Wouldn’t that up-end everything? |
Heaven This spectrum of spirit energy is where our spirits live between their physical lives on earth. It’s my true home and it’s your true home. The spirit energy spectrum is what we call Heaven. It’s where God is. It's what God is. Every spirit, including yours and mine, is a little part of God but separate from him. Spirit energy is intelligent and loving. In Mark
1:15, Jesus said that Heaven was here and now, near
and "at hand". He was speaking
literally. He knew it was all around us and he could access
that spirit energy spectrum. Alas, very, very few of
us humble mortals can see it or access it. It’s
interesting that when some people come back from near-death
experiences, they report seeing a tunnel going up that they
ascend through. It would make sense that this is not
a material ascent but an energy ascent, going from
our low-wavelength world that we live it up to the high-wavelength world of spirit energy. |
The Soul and the Spirit Notice I
haven’t used the word “soul” here. Jesus was once
asked what the difference was between our spirit and
our soul. He replied that our spirit is the little
piece of God in us and the soul is the earthly
journey that spirit is having. It’s
a subtle difference but it’s a very important one. There
really is a little piece of God in you and it’s
making a physical journey. Make the most of the journey
you are on. |
Reincarnation Advanced
societies and religions know that every spirit leads
multiple lives on earth, striving to be better in
each incarnation. Jesus talked about reincarnation
but alas, the early church leaders made sure that
mention of it was removed from the written gospels.
These leaders were focused on controlling all their
followers, making them dependant on the church. That
omission from the bible is why Christians in the
twenty-first century completely reject reincarnation. Other,
more advanced religions, have believed in it for
centuries and still believe it today. Yes,
reincarnation is real. As an example, there are people
who can
remember details about lives that they lived
hundreds of years ago. These memories even
occur in small children. There
are past-life regression therapists. This is not
BS. You can access your past lives. Most people can
be hypnotized and taken back to those past
lives. Why do we not already know this past-life
information? It’s hidden from us in our material
world because we are here on earth to improve ourselves. We
need to make a real effort on earth without being
influenced or distracted by knowledge from our past lives and our eternal
spirit home. How else could we truly grow? |
Time in the Spirit World As if all this wasn’t enough, we need to talk about time. Time in our material world is like a river, a constant flow from the past through the present to the future. We live in the present. We can remember the past. We do not know the future. Time doesn’t run at the same rate everywhere in our material universe. We know that time in a black hole is greatly slowed down. There are scientific theories, like the General Relativity Theory, that cover what causes the difference in rates of time. There is current
discussion between physicists that time is not a fundamental element of
our universe but arises from what's called "quantum entanglement".
Let's not dive into that but
here's a link to the discussion. At the very
least, we know that the
speed or rate of time in our material universe isn’t
a constant. It does vary and quite dramatically. Time in the spirit energy spectrum, or the spirit world, is very different. Instead of time being like a river, flowing from past to future, there is no constantly moving time as we experience it. Spirits have called what they have the "eternal now" moment. That doesn't mean a frozen and static environment. Far from it. Spirits can move backwards and forwards in time as easily as we move physically in our lives. They can look at past events and can also explore future probabilities. Spirits also move physically throughout their universe on energy highways. Oh, they have plenty to keep them busy. To use
a human analogy, spirits can see time like they were looking into a
giant box full of sand, where every grain of sand in the
box is a moment of time. It’s all visible in one
place. For a specific moment in time, they just
search through the box. Are you completely confused?
Don't sweat it. All of this is very tough for us
linear-time dwellers.
One Essential Difference Between the Past and the Future The past has happened. Other than in Sci Fi movies, it cannot be changed. The past has already happened, both on our material world and in the spirit world. However, the future has not happened. It’s not yet set in stone. Choices made in the present will determine which future we have. They may be your choices or they could be choices your parents, friends or relatives made that determine your future. The point
here is that your future can be seen but only as
probabilities of what could happen. The good news
is there is freedom of choice. The bad news
is that not all the choices for you will be made by
you. |
Accessing the Spirit World A very
few people can access the spirit world to
see the past and what the future probabilities are.
Edgar Cayce is one of the most startling examples of
these people. He had complete access to
the past experiences and future probabilities for everyone he
met, and he could do it instantly. He called it
accessing the
Akashic Library but there are no separate records or
library. He could look into that “eternal now”
moment and see those past memories and future probabilities
for every person. I'm thinking that his spirit was
either giving him access to spirit world information
or was getting the information and passing it to
him. This is extraordinary. Throughout history there
have been a very few people who could see the past
and future but not like he could. |
So What Should You Do on Earth? God expects us to do the best we can. That’s his only
request to you. Do the best you can. Oh, and love
everyone the best you can. Don’t hurt people. At the
end of your material life you will be judged on how
you treated other people in your life, not how much power
and money you accumulated. So go do what you
would like to do but be a good person. Do the best
you can.
Reading There
are books that open the door to those seeking more
than what their normal, day-to-day material life offers.
Anything on Edgar Cayce will show you what he
achieved. Nick Bunnick’s book “The True Story” is
the story of a past life that will blow your socks
off. I also like “Journey of Souls” by Michael
Newton as it really sheds light on our spirit lives
between our incarnations on earth. These books have
the ring of truth about them. On the other hand,
avoid Carlos Castaneda’s books. They are so crazy
you can’t figure anything out and now they are
considered to be completely fictional.
22 September, 2024